NASA views dark side of the moon - students to be able to study soon
Posted in Labels: free resources, NASA, science resources, STEM
NASA's Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) program (Ebb and Flow), which is creating a high resolution map of the moon's gravitational field, has also captured footage from the dark side of the moon as part of the MoonKAM (Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students) program. MoonKAM will allow US students to study different parts of the lunar surface using imagery from the Ebb and Flow satellites.
Schools that signed up to participate in MoonKAM will get access starting in March. There are plans to open it up to more schools in the future also.
This is another great resource from NASA that schools can use to engage and educate students in science.
You can view a video at the source link below.
Source: NASA Grail News Release
NASA Resources on Ed Tech Guy
STEM Resources for Educators
Source: NASA Grail News Release
NASA Resources on Ed Tech Guy
STEM Resources for Educators