#PBLchat - Twitter chat for Project Based Learning
Posted in Labels: free resources, PLN, professional development, project based learning, twitter
Project Based Learning is a great way to teach content, as well as other needed skills (communication, teamwork, problem solving, technology, etc) - see related for more on these skills.
Edutopia is a great resource for information and resources on Project Based Learning as it is one of their main topics. It's also a great resource for any educator for a variety of topics.
Edutopia has a great article on a new Twitter chat, #PBLchat, that just launched in December. It occurs on Tuesdays at 9pm EST, 6pm Pacific and is growing every week.
I'm a firm believer in Project Based Learning and Twitter as a resource for educators and #PBLchat just brings the two together.
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Project Based Learning Resource page
10 Important Skills Students Need for the Future
10 Tech Skills every Student Should Have
STEM Resources page